Post 16 – The Incredible Lightness of Light

The weather has been beautiful this week in Boston and for that I am so so grateful. I have biked to work every day and enjoyed it immensely. There is a reason that the sunshine makes us feel so good – it gives us life and light, it reveals beauty. When the sun lights your face, how can you not glow? And the sun provides everything, right? Photosynthesis! But of course! (Thank you middle school science class) Without the sun, the flowers, trees, and grass would not grow and there would be no food to eat, but we know all of that somewhere in the back of our minds, right? Right. But I myself forget all the time the importance of the sun in giving me light in my life and for others.

I worked at a small bakery for a short time after college. I got up at 4 AM to make my 5 AM shift and every morning I got up for work I hated my life a little bit. There’s something about waking up at that time of the night that makes me feel alone and fearful, as if the dark will never give way to the bright blue and white of a beautiful day. I would get to work at 5 AM, the roads empty, the sky dark, and the mood in the bakery somber and tense, and I would get started on my daily tasks. One great thing about getting up that early though is appreciating the sunrise all the more. After about two hours of making scones and cookie dough and rolling out croissants, I could see the light – quite literally – as the sun began to rise through the front windows of the bakery and the regular customers began dropping in for their morning coffee and scone. I remember thinking: There is the sun. Thank God for the sun! And when the daylight finally came, the day would get a little better.

Sometimes I delivered catering orders for the bakery, a trip I relished for the opportunity to get out of the bakery for a little bit and drive. I remember loving the feeling of freedom as I was driving toward the sunrise.

What is it about light that makes us feel alive and like the moment is infinite?

The trees in my building's courtyard

The trees in my building’s courtyard

It’s not just me, either. One of my co-workers’ sons goes to school at a school out of town so she only sees him on the weekends. She loves her son dearly and talks about her visits to go see him and the drives they take together. Whenever they drive through a tunnel, she says, her son puts on “their” song (whichever one it is) and blasts it loud. This is our song. And they drive through the tunnel with the music loud, singing and celebrating as if that was all there was. The lights in the tunnel make it magic, the moment is infinite, and they are both happy to be alive in the light from the tunnel.

This week has finally brought with it the beautiful spring weather – blooming flowers that I pass on my morning ride, green everything, and even some spring showers. I am grateful for the sun and all it brings with it (food included). I haven’t baked much this week since spending more time outdoors, but don’t worry, I’ll cook something again soon enough. Go get some sun light, sunshine 🙂


2 thoughts on “Post 16 – The Incredible Lightness of Light

  1. Pingback: Post 117 – The Perfect Bread – Oatmeal Cranberry Walnut | Erin Eating Everything

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